Bola de nieve, Lucha de bolas de nieve

31,05 €
Bola de nieve muñeco de nieve. La bola gira sobre el platillo con un villancico.Ø 14,3x10,5x10,5 cm

Sólo para decoración, no es un juguete. No apto para niños menores de 3 años.

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Snow globe. In the globe filled with snow and glitter, two girls throw snowballs at each other. A small snowman and an old building decorated by small snowy pines complete the scene. The base is painted with wintry full moon village night scenes. By winding the musical mechanism up, the music box rotates on the disk and the melody” Winter Wonderland” begins to play. Measurements: 14,3x10,5x10,5 cm.

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Bola de nieve, Lucha de...

31,05 €